Thursday, Mar 28, 2019
Fixing code especially when linting can be interesting; honestly. If you are like me and work on a lot of different languages and tools then you likely do not track changes in coding standards particularly well. However, with effective tooling and schedules, you can recieve code that is constantly updated with patches you can simply apply to your code and move forwards.
I already run a bunch of PHP, JavaScript and CSS linting tools and also use YAML linters inside Ansible projects. ...
Tuesday, Mar 5, 2019
When working with projects that have dependencies on other projects using git submodules can be really useful. It allows you to basically add links to other git projects inside your source code, without having to add all of the code of the project until you need it.
However, managing those git submodules (from .gitmodules) can prove to be a challenge. I reguarly ship software projects to new developers with multiple submodule and this handy little script will open each of the submodule exactly where you want them without having to use multiple git submodule add. ...
Friday, Jul 1, 2016
Version control. A saviour of modern development and with everyone using git to manage their code nowadays (at least for the last 5 years) having an understanding of git is an essential part of being a developer. Recently I have become more and more involved in code review, using GitLab, Bitbucket and GitHub to manage code from different developers for different projects. This is made easier by using a workable workflow (something like GitFlow), however, as I am involved in more and more projects of endless dread when I start with project and it has unnecessary, large or sensitive files that have been committed into its history. ...
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