Saturday, Mar 20, 2010
The difficult thing that appears with moving the products using the migrate moduel appears to be the inability to put multiple tables into one table. To counteract this I ended up migrating all ot the Oscommerce product data into one database table and then sending the content over with the migrate module. The code ended up something like this although this is obviously editable dependant on what data you have in Oscommerce/want in Drupal: ...
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2010
The process of migrating Oscommerce to Drupal Ubercart, does involve a few processes, however, the advantages are numerous. Check out and for some data about why Ubercart/Migrating from Oscommerce. Personally I feel that the codebase of oscommerce has become very outdated and is no longer running to the potential it could. Alongside this, the Drupal project is growing and Oscommerce shrinking, with a large proportion of new modules being produced for Drupal/Ubercart. ...
Wednesday, Nov 11, 2009
I was recently asked the question of how applicable Drupal/Joomla are for a large site. Here is my answer:
I have attempted to break down your points to make answering some of your questions easier. I have been developing with Joomla and Drupal for over 2 years and have created around 20 joomla sites and 20 drupal sites, one of which is a 15 site multisite.
1. Complex(but user friendly) navigation/categorisation Obviously the flexibility afforded by Drupal is a contrast to the user friendly nature of Joomla. ...
Sunday, Nov 1, 2009
Just been hacking away at this to get the idea across of migrating and validating data from one database into the Drupal core (Drupal 6). It relies on the user having created a content type of news from CCK.
<?php mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'password') or die('Cannot connect to MySql'); mysql_select_db('database') or die('Cannot connect to database'); // get the required data from the database $sql = 'select * from tableName'; $query = mysql_query($sql); // give it a timestamp $unixTimestamp = 1230800640; //starting unix timestamp $increment = 1012745; //could be replace by a rand() //beginning of the mysql insert sql queries $insertToNode = "INSERT INTO `node` (`nid`, `vid`, `type`, `language`, `title`, `uid`, `status`, `created`, `changed`, `comment`, `promote`, `moderate`, `sticky`, `tnid`, `translate`) VALUES "; $insertToNodeCommentStats = "INSERT INTO `node_comment_statistics` (`nid`, `last_comment_timestamp`, `last_comment_name`, `last_comment_uid`, `comment_count`) VALUES "; $insertToNodeRevisions = "INSERT INTO `node_revisions` (`nid`, `vid`, `uid`, `title`, `body`, `teaser`, `log`, `timestamp`, `format`) VALUES "; //get the total number of rows $totalRows = mysql_num_rows($query); $startNid = 3; // the first Node id (Nid) to be added $userUid = 1; // the id of the user (1 = admin) // create the insert queries while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ // sanitise strings ready for insertion $headline = mysql_real_escape_string($result['headline']); $content = mysql_real_escape_string($result['content']); $snippet = mysql_real_escape_string($result['teaser']); // create looping additois to database $insertToNode = $insertToNode. ...
Monday, Oct 19, 2009
Migrating from one structure/site to another can be a complex process. I have certainly found within my new role, where I have been migrating 30+ sites to one drupal multisite installation that the process of moving sites is a convuluted one. Not only can it require the migration of databases, but also the procesig of strings to sanitise them ready for implmentation into a new database system and structure, especially when having to split strings. ...
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