Adding Prism.js Code Highlighting to Hugo (or any other markdown based site)

Adding Prism.js Code Highlighting to Hugo (or any other markdown based site)

Friday, Apr 12, 2019
Adding a code highlighter is a really nice way to both show code on your site in a more decorative way, but also to make it easier for users to reproduce what you may be asking them to do. I recently (around February) rebuilt my Drupal site into Hugo and when migrating the content, one of the core things I wanted to do was get really nice highlighting of code, especially as I use my blog to remember things that I was doing 2, 3, 4, 5 years ago. ...

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Why Coding Standards? The answer may surprise you.

Why Coding Standards? The answer may surprise you.

Friday, Apr 14, 2017
TL; DR. Coding standards are about more that the code on the screen, in the application. They are about culture, trust and collaboration. Smell and readability. So, coding standards, fun topic eh. Arguing over tabs and spaces (check out Silicon Valley if you haven’t already) for alignment of your code. It may seem like a bit of a petty idea to begin with. However, what I believe is that coding standards should give you better tools as a team to be able to collaborate. ...

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Tidy Git Repos Using BFG

Tidy Git Repos Using BFG

Friday, Jul 1, 2016
Version control. A saviour of modern development and with everyone using git to manage their code nowadays (at least for the last 5 years) having an understanding of git is an essential part of being a developer. Recently I have become more and more involved in code review, using GitLab, Bitbucket and GitHub to manage code from different developers for different projects. This is made easier by using a workable workflow (something like GitFlow), however, as I am involved in more and more projects of endless dread when I start with project and it has unnecessary, large or sensitive files that have been committed into its history. ...

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Please never abandon this module

Please never abandon this module

Thursday, Dec 24, 2015
At Will Hall Online we always try to commit some time to developing open source projects. As I am sure that you are aware, we have been using Drupal since 2008 and absolutely love both the software and the community, however, much of our time is already committed and we do more in deed than in code to contribute to the community (providing assistance, presentations and helping the local Drupal group). ...

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Webform Node Title Select List

Webform Node Title Select List

Friday, Nov 27, 2015
A quick note this week on a potentially useful contrib module that’s got me out of a jam. I’ve been trying to find a way to populate a select box on a Drupal webform with a list of node titles. Basically what I wanted was something like an entity reference field for webforms. One approach to get round this is to use the entity form module, which basically allows you to use entity edit forms in the front end. ...

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Drupal Commerce and Changing the Price Components

Drupal Commerce and Changing the Price Components

Thursday, Nov 19, 2015
We all know that Drupal Commerce is really flexible. If you want variable pricing dependant upon location, csutomer type or basket size, no problem. However, some areas of Drupal Commerce do require not only relatively specialist knowledge, but also coding to give the required outcome. We recently had an interesting problem through Cambridge Digital Academy, wherein they were looking at displaying discounts at the checkout form. By default the order of display is: ...

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Auto-applying Patches with Drush Patch File

Auto-applying Patches with Drush Patch File

Friday, Nov 13, 2015
This week I’ve been playing about with a neat tool by Dave Reid, called Drush Patch File, for tracking and applying patches to contrib modules on Drupal projects. We’ve found ourselves patching a few modules recently on several projects, including the Drupal 7 backport of Navbar so that the drop-downs work better on desktop. The problem faced when patching contributed modules is that, if the module is updated but the patch isn’t included in the new release, then the module is effectively un-patched. ...

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Developer KPI's - in High Fives!

Developer KPI's - in High Fives!

Friday, Oct 9, 2015
Over the recent weeks we have been restructuring the business and especially how we can measure employees performance. The measurement of performance is not a new thing and I am sure that most of you have heard of KPI as a way of being able to see how effectively you are working at a role. However, with development we found it difficult to think up any KPI’s or metrics that a developer could be judged upon. ...

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Announcing the New Wordpress Integration with Shoprocket Plugin

Announcing the New Wordpress Integration with Shoprocket Plugin

Friday, Aug 28, 2015
Yesterday saw us launch a new Wordpress plugin which enables site builders to easily install the Shoprocket ecommerce system ( on their sites. The plugin is hosted on at, or is available from the ‘Add plugins’ section inside the Wordpress admin area. Shoprocket is a slick new ecommerce service which we’re really excited to be working with. They’ve made it possible to set an ecommerce site up in a matter of minutes, and it provides a fantastic user experience which makes the purchasing process as painless as possible. ...

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The New Drupal Shoprocket Module

The New Drupal Shoprocket Module

Friday, Aug 7, 2015
We’re excited to announce that our Shoprocket Drupal project has been accepted by the community. The module allows the easy integration of the Shoprocket ecommerce system with Drupal, making it a matter of minutes to get your online shop up and running. The Drupal project page is at Shoprocket ( is an exciting new venture which uses a lightweight javascript library to easily create a flexible, simple ecommerce system. It takes literally minutes to set up, depending on the size of your product range, but it’s also flexible and robust. ...

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