As a daily (hourly) linux user, I use command line tools for almost everything that I do. Opening files, copying, moving, making connections (ssh), starting containers (docker). But what ones do I use most? Here is a little command to find out for yourself.
history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl | head -n10
1 488 16.1857% cd
2 425 14.0962% git
3 371 12.3051% ssh
4 337 11.1774% docker
5 335 11.1111% ls
6 118 3.91376% aws
7 115 3.81426% sudo
8 94 3.11774% code
9 65 2.15589% docker-compose
10 60 1.99005% vim
Well, first off, I should say that this is not necessarily unexpected. I use cd
a lot, which is mainly to move between directories. You can also see that I use docker
and docker-compose
quite often. And also that almost everything is in git
Secondly, you can also start to see some preferences. I use aws
on command line, both for CloudFormation and getting details back of current infrastructure and actually I don’t use Azure at all on command line. Also, you can see that I use code
(VSCode) almost twice as often as vim
However, there is a glaring omissions? Almost all of my configuration management goes through ansible-playbook
however, that is entirely missing?! That is because all of my ansible-playbook commands run through docker, so it sees that I used docker, but not the tools inside the container.
I may look at updating this regularly to see how it evolves.
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