Getting in the right server for your business; one that will be capable of managing all of your requests and give you space to grow without costing the earth or having a facebook like amount of servers is a tricky bit of business. Here is a quick overview of differing servers and their benefits and disadvantages.
Are servers located on a virtual environment within a host machine. Regularly these have less powerful specifications than a dedicated server and are largely used for website hosting/development server hosting.
These servers are the equivalent of renting a machine from a server provided which is then hosted on their network. You are free to do as you wish with the machine, however may be required to pay for hardware replacements/support depending on the terms of service/SLA of the server provider. They give you greater power, however, are not monitored by the server provider and therefore have to potential to be inactive unless they are checked regularly.
The potential of a dedicated managed server is exactly the same as an unmanaged server the main differences are focussed on what you require from the server/hosting provider. With managed servers the level of service is higher. Alongside this the SLA’s usually set out backup policies, firewall management,server OS maintenance/upgrades, response monitoring.
The choice of OS (operating system) is an important consideration when setting up new servers. The usual difference in price is between £15-£25 per month for Windows 2008 over any Linux distribution.
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