Following the uploading of products to one product database within phpmyadmin/mysql root, you will now have a Drupal database with a new table named ‘products’ within it. You can then use the table wizard module to expose the table to the migrate module and draw relationships between the ‘products’ and ‘uc_products’ database table.

I have added another little script which runs almost the same process as the migrate module, however, this may need to be edited to run successfully:

$ubercart_database = 'uberdrupal';

mysql_connect('localhost', 'admin', 'password') or die('Cannot connect to MySql');
mysql_select_db($ubercart_database) or die('Cannot connect to database');

$sql_attributes = 'select * from products';
$query_attributes = mysql_query($sql_attributes);

$i = 1; //starting nid

while($result_attributes = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_attributes)){
    $model = $result_attributes['products_model'];
    $price = $result_attributes['products_price'];
    $weight = $result_attributes['products_weight'];
    $length = $result_attributes['products_length'];
    $width = $result_attributes['products_width'];
    $height = $result_attributes['products_height'];

    $update_uc_products = "update uc_products set model = '$model', list_price = $price, cost = $price, sell_price = $price, weight = $weight, weight_units = 'kg', length = $length, width = $width, height = $height, length_units = 'cm', pkg_qty = 1, default_qty = 1, ordering = 1, shippable = 1 where nid = $i";
    echo $i;

        echo $update_uc_products.'';